We've compiled answers to all of your frequently asked questions below.
Cornish Milk's products are available through our family of UK Stockists. To find your nearest stockists, visit the ‘’Find a Stockist’’ page of our website. If you do not have a stockist nearby, many of our UK stockists have online shops and they ship orders all over the United Kingdom.
We also have an online shop and offer Free UK delivery with all online orders over £60.00.
Cornish Milk's Stockists offer workshops that will teach you how to use Cornish Milks Products. Contact your local stockist to see if they have any upcoming workshops for you to join.
Cornish Milk's Colour charts are available on our website shop and from your local Cornish Milk Stockists. Many of our stockists will also have painted examples of each colour shade, to showcase the finish of our products.
All of Cornish Milk's Products are handmade, using sustainable methods within the United Kingdom.
Painted on a surface: At times, Cornish Mineral Paint may have trouble adhering to a surface, and will immediately separate into a web-like pattern when applied. This can happen when painting non-porous, paint-resistant surfaces, or surfaces that have been cleaned with furniture polishes containing silicone. To stop this, Clean & sand the surface with fine (180-220 grit) sandpaper, and wipe away the dust. Apply one thin coat of Cornish Mineral Paint and allow it to dry for 24 hours. The curing process will begin during this time, making it easier for the next coat of paint to adhere to the surface. You can then apply the second coat of paint and proceed normally with your project.
The soultion: Wipe on one or two thin coats off our New Stain Block. After the stain block has dried (in a matter of a few minutes), you can then repaint the area with paint.
Tip: Do not sand mahogany furniture prior to painting. This will remove the existing topcoat which can encourage bleeding through. Simply paint this project first in our New Primer.
The soultion: It’s best to decant the paint into another container to use while painting. Cornish Mineral Paint does have a slight scent and this is caused by the bio-resin used for our built-in topcoat.
The soultion: Make sure you metal lid is tightly sealed after painting. Another solution would be to replace your used paint into another clean airtight container for storage. This is also recommended if you are not going to use the paint again in some time.
Don't see an answer to your Question?
If you do not see an answer to your questions, then you can email us at info@cornishmineralpaint.co.uk or seek out a stockist who will be able to help and guide you through your next project.