Achieve The Milk Paint Chippy Look Using Cornish Milk
Cornish Milk is a mineral based paint that has been designed to replicate a Milk Paint finish and one of the questions we regularly get asked is "Can I achieve the Chippy look? and the answer is YES!
Follow our quick and simple guide on how you can achieve the perfect Milk painted Chippy look

Step One - Prepare the surface as normal (Prep like a boss) and then paint in your favourite Cornish Milk colour.
Step Two - Leave the Mineral Paint to dry to make sure the paint has adhered. Leave over night for the paint to dry and harden.
Step Three - Using warm water and a clean cloth. Start to wash the mineral paint away, leaving some paint in places to create the perfect chippy look, just like Reece's image on this post.
Washing away the paint will create the perfect Chippy look. So remove as much or as little paint as you like, until you have achieved your perfect finish.
This image was a chair Reece painted in our workshop and he created the perfect Chippy look by following the simple steps above. This chair was sanded prior to painting, painted in our Gul Rock and then left over night and wet distressed the very next day.